Hello. Bye Bye. Yep. Can you hear Okay Brian? Yup. Yup.
Can you hear me? Hello? Can you hear me?
It's probably better if you ask me questions cause I don't. No, she was, she was a good girl. I mean.
Everybody loves, everybody loved her. She had a lot of friends, a lot of good friends. She liked to have fun, like to joke around. She liked that. I mean we were always really close when we were little.
she'd go hunting or fishing with me. I even taught her how to drive a stick shift.
You know, it's, we're pretty close. What's that little battery? What's that
I was, he was a wonderful little boy. I mean
he was always happy, loved to fish, loved to tell stories about fishing.
he loved being around me and my family. He was a, he was a character. He, my wife used to watch him babysit him, come over and, and soon as he mad cause he would be picking his nose. So I got back at her and I taught them how to pick his nose. Two fingers. So He's, he liked to joke around and, yeah. Oh, sorry. It's kind of hard to talk about.
That's all right. I know it needs to be out there. I only met Jerry.
I only met him one time, Susie and very come up when my father was getting ready to pass away in the hospital and he would just seem like a really odd character.
He would never, he never left her side. He knows like he always be and have his ear on every conversation. Just a real strange person.
He's one of those people. He would, he would talk if you said something to him or if I asked Susie something he would butt in and say something.
I got the impression right off the bat and he seemed pretty controlling of her. Yup. Yeah. Yeah. He never left. He would never leave her, so I could talk to her. Well, me and my wife and my daughter went to visit my mom and dad exists. And when we pulled in on there and started talking to my mom, she told us that Susie was missing Susie, Susie and oven. Well it's, it was only going to told them shock cause I mean we talked but we didn't talk all the time. You know, we can go two or three months without talking. I mean we can even go six months without talking cause she, she does as her life that she does things and I have my life, you know.
it was, it was a shocker. I mean, I was hoping that first that, you know, she ran off, but after seeing all the evidence and everything, there is no way. Plus there's no way she'd leave Hannah.
So after we found out, well me and my wife and my daughter, we drove to Texas and not a way back home to Michigan. And we stopped in Alabama and talk to the detective and uh, seen Alia said everything. And we know, we knew soon as we've seen the evidence that we're no longer with us.
And the jury had to stop more than, because the way he was acting lawyered up and everything real quick, wouldn't even say anything to the, to me or my mom or there's real, real fishy, you know, you won't even say he has a set of word to me and my or my mother, you know, both Susie and messaging, you know, if the guy's not guilty, he would, it'd be one to help, you know. No.
Nope. I need to stay away from him because I don't want to end up in jail. Does that mean I have three kids and a grandson and another grandkid? Onoway and I'd like to see them around. So it was best for me just to stay awake cause I would, I would get my answers that I want out of them if I was down there. I think she sent him a ladder and I think it was returned to her. I'm pretty sure she wrote him a letter. I think so I met missy would know more about that.
They showed us pictures of a I think it was the dining room and the bathroom with the luminol that shows the blood. Then there was a lot, a lot of spots, you know, I mean, it was just, it was, it was, it looked like somebody painted the floor, you know, that luminol stuff where it reacts with the blood, I mean, it was on the wall, on the floor, on a bathtub in the bathroom. It was just a, just a heart. It just tore my heart out, you know? I was like, how could somebody do something like that to my little sister, my nephew. You know? It's like, it's like I'm living in a soap opera. This stuff ain't supposed to happen to people, you know, I mean, especially to Susie. Susie was, Susie was not a weak person. I mean, she always stood her ground on what she thought was right, but she just had the worst, worst judgment on guys, you know, she was a magnet for losers and you know, boyfriends, well, she'd had a couple of, you know, growing up, she had us, you know, a couple of decent boyfriends. I don't know how she ended up with the, you know, the last three of them that she had
or just seemed to get worse or worse.
I don't know a whole lot about the boat.
I think I remember seeing on that. Did he? Detective had, um,
I really don't remember what it was like, what it looked like.
I know they used it all the time and they want, they went fishing all the time.
I don't think that, I don't think that's the right boat.
Susie wasn't lab and go into a boat that wasn't safe. Oh, the, the picture that the detective had, it can't be the right boat. Um, I can't remember for the life for me. Will it look like? You got to remember, I mean, when I seen that I didn't concentrate on the boat because I was seeing all the pictures of our, all the Ahhbra, all the other things, you all the luminol.
so are we in the boat? Was like not a concern
For me to remember, you know, but it can't be the right boat if that, if they said that's because if it wasn't even safe to be on water, there's no way Susie would they even be in it.
It can't be the right boat with that. Yeah. I don't think he, I don't think he, I think he had too much time invested in doing other things that tear it up. You know, he had to be a busy guy for two months.
I mean, the detectives they get,
pretty much, it just lists down there. I mean, pardon me for saying that, but it's like watching the Andy Griffith show with Barney fife. You know, this the way it feels like they are to me. I mean they, they call and give, update Holly give her all kinds of information, which they never called me or my wife or my mom, but they give Susie's friend all the updates and information. I mean, that's not right. And I think they, I think they screwed up and places and uh, I don't know if it hurt the case or not. I mean, I've been told that, I mean, they got the, they will all the pictures of all the blood. They should have been able to charge him with something and nobody's doing anything. Yeah. I wished, I don't know. I don't know if my mom had a picture of it or anything. I can find out.
And you have the, we have a picture of what the detectives had.
Right. I mean, there's so many things. They get a check.
Uh, like traffic cameras, there's got to be traffic cameras and stuff down there. And what Taco ain't there? I mean they get a like gas stations they could have went and asked them for, you know, they could have checked us credit card receipts. You don't see where he bought gas. Look at the, the, the security camera, you know, videos. They could have done a lot of stuff that they never did. Yeah. Oh, is it right. But I mean, like you said, a lot of places are digital now and it doesn't take, I mean they probably go a year and you know, saving it on a hard drive and it's hard to say. I don't know.
But, uh, I know the psychic said that they were at a bottom of a hill or something like that or at the bottom of a mountain or something like that. But I keep on having dreams that Evan is buried in the, and looking up at a tree. So I, and there. And have his dad had the same, is that the same drain?
my heart, my heart says, are buried on his parents probably.
Nothing here's parents or involved heavily on a cover and I know,
Yep. It does. Me Too. But I mean the whole thing, I mean there was a lot to take in, you know, with her and Susie and have involved in medicine now finding all at bay. He was a homosexual prostitute, Ann Arbor lane. Just, I mean it will just so hard. Uh, Elan chronic to comprehend anything when I was down there, you know, just cause all of that stuff going on. Missy, missy, you show me that picture of that boat.
She's just done it again. How you open it up?
Just click here. You send it messenger again.
Lesson one off the ovens.
Right? Yeah, that's not the one you showed me before. That's the one I showed you. That's not the one that the detective showed us. So
I don't remember the one that detective
that is, that's not the one to detective showed us. So I know that because remember what you were asking me at one day and I said no, it's like a fishing boat and that is a vision mode.
I don't remember. I know the detective said they found it and the guy said that it didn't even run very good. Thank you. Just have it cause he didn't care. I really want it and that I guess it wasn't in good shape. I remember I did have to say on that, but I don't remember seeing them
that the boat, the picture that you sent us is now theirs is the fishing boat, but that is not doing the picture. That's not the one that talked about that.
I don't remember as I said, but okay.
That's off Evans Instagram. Yeah.
And that's from 2015 and once they got another one in between the Hollywood, it known that
you should, we all take dumb number. Somebody should be able to look up the numbers off the side and find it.
Yeah, that's a registration.
Yeah, that registration number because that always stays with the boat.
Yeah. That book they had, those numbers are permanent up here when they do it on boats and so that means whoever has it now would have it registered with that exact same thing
Then you could track to see if it's the same person the detective found that had the one, he just, he just went through old messages and the one would Jerry's but
scrolled over it. And that's what he sees
is the one with the bow on the bus. You didn't like that picture?
yeah. With you being down there, you know, you might be able to go, you know, even go into a secretary of state or something or see if there's any way to look it up. If you can't find it online.
I don't think it is. I could have swore you showed me a picture of motor couple months ago and that wasn't the bubble that you showed me. Uh, for that. The one I showed you off of Evans was a fishing boat like that. Yeah. Maybe just to look at it that night. So it might've been a different one, but no, I think it's the same picture cause I think I would only had one picture and the whole thing of them.
But he might've just had it or went with somebody else.
Yeah. That's the same boat.
Go. Go back to where you were just at Msu from. What was the Hollywood, I sent you a picture of a boat at one time.
it was on a mic one with Holly and her. I don't think Holly sent me one.
yeah. I did get on Evans Instagram, but that's all the same once it was inherent a message, so,
Oh, that's the one I showed you right there.
Yeah, I think that's it. I swear it's the same. It's the same one I showed you Brian, so, well maybe not the same one that the detective show it here. Yeah. Where you on?
Go ahead. Oh, the bathroom.
But yeah, when he was showing us all that, I don't, the boat didn't jump at me because the way he made their mark, it wasn't really running very well. I wasn't taking thinking that that was where they went. You know what I mean?
Because that's when we saw most of that I think was when we went down and did the crime watch show. So it already been enough time that they'd found it and said that they didn't think of blood on it was anything. So I didn't put too much into it and guys pay more attention to boats and stuff like that. Then the girls sometimes and so I didn't take that as a great, huge importance.
2174 your birthday was two days before mine. Really?
Is it still registered to him?
That's Rad. That's what makes it exciting and fun, Huh? Yeah. Susie a birthday was two days before mine, so every birthday until I was like 16 or 17 we always shared, you know, had a birthday party together, you know.
that's probably parked over his parents' house. Cause I could, I could've swore the pictures of the one that did yet active head wasn't that boat.
Probably still at work. Probably about, probably about 45 a hundred bugs being at his best style boat. It doesn't say it on a boat registration. Yeah, I think it says thing. I'm going to say I bull the way that bolt looks right there, it's probably worth at least 4,500 bucks. Right, right. And that looks like at least as a, probably like a 60 horse or 80 horse mare and our engine on it. And those are pretty decent. You found a boat registration is still registered, uh, this Jerry's name, but it was on your, as soon as these birthdays for the thing,
those still registered to him?
Now did, uh, did they show, did the sheriff show you the picture of the boat or no,
Holly's toaster. Call him and try to ask more questions about, let's see. So tell me more. Yeah. Holly hasn't sat down with the detective and seen any of the fixtures on evidence either.
Good. Thank whoever gave it to it to get it out.
But it nourishes, you know?
Yeah, they might have that one got rid of it and getting a different one. There's enough time in the Instagram to have gotten rid of it and got a new one. We're going a different boat, but they just still might not ever found the site right though.
Yeah, I think so too. It looked close enough for her to not notice the difference then.
Cause I could've swore the one I showed her stuff, it was white.
Here's a voter registration
Susie's birthday. But his name, that's weird. How could they do that?
Oh, okay. So that's probably how they can use their birthday. But it just seems like you'd have to, I mean, appeared the secretary of state to be really picky about birthday mansion.
A lot. A lot of Blake information on there. Oh,
Oh she is like, do you want me to get a secretary of state and you're putting your license plate number and then it goes to the next day you go down, fell right into,
I really appreciate everything that you're doing. I mean,
we will for van almost two years in, I mean, we haven't had anything, you know, until here recently. You know, when he started helping out, then we added the other, that one lady did a podcast. You know, there's like, while there is actually a glimpse of hope, you know, and I really, I really do appreciate it. I mean
and we were accurate brains trying to figure out how to even get any news out there about it and it all, you know, and then you guys come along and help all it do it. All this stuff.
It's, it's, it's hard when you're first start talking on enter on a interview because you don't know the person that's telling Gail, you know, now, now that I talk to you for a little while, you'd all, it's easier to talk
Oh, if you ever need any other information, I'll talk to you again if you need me to. Yeah. I'm pretty sure you, while you're doing, just make sure you, uh, watch your back. Don't get too close to him.
yeah, I would, he is a little low light sneaky guy, you know?
like there's like, they always say there's never a perfect murder. Something's always going to happen and I'll no, no.
All right. I have messy loving listen to it cause I don't have an iPhone. I don't think I can get podcasts of mine, a android.
All right. Well, like I said, I appreciate it. If you need any more information, you're going to have Mr. Get get ahold of FC.