Temi API
The same advanced speech recognition in an easy to integrate API.
Create a Temi account
Create or Login to your account
Get your API key
On the developers page, generate your API key to connect to the API.
Integrate with the API
Read our docs here and test for free.
Check out our Zapier Integration
Here’s a short walkthrough of an example integration.
Temi API Features
Our accuracy is best in class. Don’t believe us? Try our competitors and you’ll see the difference.
A 10 minute audio file is transcribed in under 3 minutes.
  Simple Pricing
$0.25/min rounded up to the nearest minute, just like Temi.
  Audio/Video Support
We can transcribe most audio/video formats. View our supported file types.
  Output Options
We support output in many formats: .txt, .docx, .json, .pdf, and link to the Temi editor.
  Constant Improvements
We are working hard every day to make our models more accurate and to add features to our API.